The impact of virtual reality technology on Nigeria

Nigeria is a country with a population of more than 190 million. Many people come from different cultures and have different traditions and languages. Judith Okonkwo, founder of Imisi 3D, talks about the impact of virtual reality (VR) on her country on F8 and what she hopes to achieve in the future.

Okonkwo founded his own company, with only one VR-ready PC, several reference books and several headphones, but he opened a store in Lagos, Nigeria. Because he saw the huge potential of virtual reality technology and provided Nigeria with the opportunity to open up this emerging technology.

Her company, Imisi 3D, hopes to be a diverse community on VR and AR. In the first VR show, the vast majority of participants have never tried VR before. Since then, the company has hosted a VR hackathon, the first such event in Nigeria. The challenge for those hackathon participants is to create something about education, health care or tourism.

Imisi 3D works with VR, which has a consulting firm that specializes in using VR to help people understand the lives of children with autism. Let the user experience the sensory process that autistic patients can experience. Imisi 3D is also developing another VR app to help people understand how to better communicate with people with autism.

According to data provided by Okonkwo, a large number of Nigerian children are unable to attend school. With this in mind, Imisi 3D believes that low-cost VR is a potential solution. A low-cost headset, coupled with mobile phones and mobile broadband, can bring many new possibilities to Nigerian students.

Speaking of local schools, Okonkwo said it lacks many European or American school facilities. Virtual reality helmets will provide them with as much as possible. There will be more challenges in the future.

3D Atomizing Fireplace

Why choice TONYA water vapour fireplace ?

A real alternative to conventional inserts and traditional fireplaces, 3D cold-flame steam fireplaces have unmatched advantages. In particular, they make it possible to overcome the main constraints of installation, operation and maintenance encountered in fireplaces that use wood or gas.
It is a subtle fusion of three components, namely, ultra-fine water vapor, the light emitted by the RGB LED, and the action of the fan and the heating wire, making it possible to obtain a simulated hand-touchable colored flame.
Ultrasonic waves are produced by "transducers" (or sprayers), which are mechanical waves that will vibrate (silence) water and convert it into ultra-fine water vapor. Under the action of the fan, the heating wire generates a temperature that can be touched by the hand. After heating, the water vapor is radiated into the surrounding air and illuminated by LEDs.
Ultra-fine water vapor (only a few microns) is immediately absorbed by the surrounding air. Water vapor will not condense and will not generate moisture on adjacent walls. This is commonly referred to as dry water vapor.

3D atomizig fireplace/ water vapor fireplace/ 64 color electric fireplace