AMD has completely discontinued Phenom II X4/X2

AMD has completely discontinued Phenom II X4/X2 According to news from foreign media, AMD has completely stopped the production of the Phenom II X4 series quad-core, Phenom II X2 series dual-core processors. The purpose is naturally to give way to the emerging Fusion APU.

Phenom II X4/X2 performance is not too strong, but with cheap prices also won the favor of many users, with a mainstream or high-end graphics card can form a good gaming entertainment platform. The processor in the Llano APU is basically the same as the architecture, but it lacks the L3 cache, and there is no "open fun". Although AMD strongly promotes the APU, due to the production capacity, the A8/A6 series has been unable to distribute goods on a large scale, resulting in many users preferring to select a combination of processors. In this case, it is naturally understandable to discontinue Phenom II X4/X2 and concentrate on the APU.

The top Phenom II X6 series six cores should be able to persist for some time. After all, the bulldozer FX series will not be finalized until the end of the quarter and the beginning of the next quarter, and the real performance is still a mystery.

As for the low-end Athlon II X4/X3/X2 series, it will be a matter of time before production is suspended, except that the dual-core APU A4/E2 series will not be available until the fourth quarter, so Athlon II can live longer than Phenom II. some.

According to plans revealed before, AMD will basically end all Phenom II and Athlon II within this year. By the beginning of next year, most of the processors it ships will be APUs, and of course there are a few bulldozers in the high-end area. .

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