"Where is my father?" Youku TV version alone broadcast, Ala Lei Fat Xuan surprise debut

By Youku, Mango TV jointly broadcast the parent-child outdoor reality show "Where is Daddy" Season 5 on September 7th. Among the broadcasts, Chen Xiaochun and his sons Jasper, Wu Zun and his son Nei Nei's sons MAX, Liu Genghong, and her daughter Puff, Du Jiang, and his son Hummer, as well as an internship dad Deng Lun made their debut. Ala Lei and Xuan Xuan's surprise appearance.

For Chen Xiaochun, who did not have her son alone for more than six hours, this trip also made mothers worry and even "supplied" the program group: Do not give them too much time alone. Chen Xiaochun said with confidence that he must be able to take good care of his son. He also bluntly said that he would "take back my own son" through the program. However, many of Jasper's repeated wrestling pictures on the broadcast screen still caused netizens to sweat for the pheasant brother.

In this season's "Where is my father?", the Kings are also the focus of netizens. In the lead film, after thinking about the idea that Dad proposed to go to the kindergarten, after a short time of thinking, humbly replies, "Go and go." However, Uh-hyun is also an overbearing president who has a lot of enthusiasm. In the face of kindergarten's unfamiliar environment, he is still nervously calling on his father Du Jiang's name. In the program, Mummer also showed her own potential for warm males, and generous sharing of egg tarts and sweet fried netizens.

As the program's "iron village chief", Li Rui also appeared with a mysterious partner, long time no see the fat Xuan from a snack food evolved into a big food. As the young assistant of the village chief, Xuan Xuan also took up the responsibility of welcoming all dads and children alone, but the dictation content of many words also caused Xuan Xuan to collapse and shouted, “Who will help me?”

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The latest program of "Where are my dads gone?" aired on Youku Video TV